Monday 8 January 2018

Internet – A new medium of Advertising

Advertising is a very effective marketing tool for selling products and creating a brand image of any company. In short, Advertising plays a vital role in any business organization’s branding and has numerous benefits for the advertiser. Advertising is often thought of as the paid and expensive way of promotion of any product. But in today’s new age, advertising is a must for the success of any product based company. There are many forms of advertising, but broadly can be divided into traditional forms such as newspapers, magazines, television and radio, business publications, circulars etc and new forms such as Internet marketing, Facebook ads, viral media etc.

While advertising may seem like the best way to get a message out, but it does have several limitations. One of the most common ones is being its inability to provide in-depth information about a product and at the same time to be cost-effective. Unlike Traditional Advertisement modes, Internet Marketing is comparatively cost effective and also reaches to a wide spectrum of audiences. As a famous saying from one of the top ad film maker, is that “Advertisement in cyberspace is like a party, until you didn't invite others into it, nobody would come to see you. “ So, it is really important, that your internet advt should reach to as many people as it can. Hence, for making the most of out of your cyberspace advertisements, it is really important that you should use the right words, right content, and right images, which can direct more and more target audiences to the websites or the product. The most common examples of online advertising include ads that are shown on search engine results pages, banner ads, in text ads, Rich Media Ads (short films and animation based content), Social network advertising, online classified advertising, advertising networks and the most famous e-mail marketing.

In the last 10 years in India, Internet Marketing space has grown up tremendously. With the growing number of Smart Phone users in the country, the demand for internet marketing has grown up a hundred folds. A big chunk of young generation is hooked up to their Smartphone’s and hence giving a big market for advertisement of any product. The number of You-tubers and bloggers have increased thousand times is past 10 years and so does the demand and effectiveness of Internet marketing. More and more Advertising agencies have shifted their focus to Cyber Space and started Internet Advertising. In North India, Ad film Agencies, Delhi and NCR, are focusing their shift towards internet marketing. Several young advertising agencies have popped up in Delhi and are creating brilliant content for cyberspace advertising. And several established Advertising Agencies have set up a new department catering to Internet Marketing. These companies aim at delivering the best possible result with their innovative and creative advertisements on the cyberspace.

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